Objectes multimèdia amb l’etiqueta: Actes oficials i institucionals
Resultats de la cerca
Interview with Peter Taylor
Accés obert
9 de maig 2008
Peter Taylor, research fellow and leader of the Participation, Power and Social Change Team of the Institute of Development Studies (University of Sussex), talked about the third volume of GUNI’s report Higher Education in the World, of which he is guest editor. He says that in order to be able to face the complex challenges of today’s world, higher education should build curricula on issues of social change and human and social development.
He participated in the roundtable on Preparing the new generation – the educative purpose and higher education curricula for human and social development of the 4th International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education "Higher Education: New Challenges and Emerging Roles for Human and Social Development" held last April.
He participated in the roundtable on Preparing the new generation – the educative purpose and higher education curricula for human and social development of the 4th International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education "Higher Education: New Challenges and Emerging Roles for Human and Social Development" held last April.
Tecnologia d'encofrats horitzontals i verticals
Accés obert
7 de maig 2008
Conferència sobre encofrats horitzontals i verticals a càrrec de l'empresa Alsina. Jaume Alsina fa una presentació i exposició de l'empresa Alsina i del sector que abasta: disseny, construcció i distribució d'encofrats de formigó verticals i horitzontals. També, i junt amb la Marta Recasens presenten el model de gestió empresarial de l'empresa.
Jordi García Leache comenta la gestió dels recursos humans i la formació del personal, que aposta per una formació contínua dels treballadors de l'empresa, com a garantia d'eficàcia, progrés i millora dels seus serveis.
Per últim, Ivana Serrano fa una exposició sobre un projecte concret de l'empresa: la construcció d'un projecte de Rafael Moneo, complex urbanístic + centre comercial Aragonia, situat a Saragossa.
Jordi García Leache comenta la gestió dels recursos humans i la formació del personal, que aposta per una formació contínua dels treballadors de l'empresa, com a garantia d'eficàcia, progrés i millora dels seus serveis.
Per últim, Ivana Serrano fa una exposició sobre un projecte concret de l'empresa: la construcció d'un projecte de Rafael Moneo, complex urbanístic + centre comercial Aragonia, situat a Saragossa.
Interview with Gemma Rauret i Dalmau
Accés obert
29 d’abr. 2008
Interview with Gemma Rauret: European Higher Education Area, Quality and Accreditation
“The arrival of the European Higher Education Area will have very significant implications for the measures and practices of quality assessment and accreditation in Spain and in Europe” says Gemma Rauret, director of the Spanish National Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation (ANECA), spoke to us of the challenges that must be faced in the years ahead by the Spanish higher education system within the European Higher Education Area. She also spoke of the role that ANECA will play in this context and the strategy it will employ.
“The arrival of the European Higher Education Area will have very significant implications for the measures and practices of quality assessment and accreditation in Spain and in Europe” says Gemma Rauret, director of the Spanish National Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation (ANECA), spoke to us of the challenges that must be faced in the years ahead by the Spanish higher education system within the European Higher Education Area. She also spoke of the role that ANECA will play in this context and the strategy it will employ.