Objectes multimèdia amb l’etiqueta: Instituts

Resultats de la cerca

Small-scale livestock farming and the world agri-food system : the particular case of organic livestock farming in Catalonia

Accés obert
6 de juny 2012
This presentation will be split in two parts. At first, a general overview will be made about the present situation and main roles of small-scale livestock farming in the world. Secondly, the specific case of organic livestock farming in Catalonia will be more in-depth examined.

Backcasting for sustainable development : building a future view

Accés obert
5 de juny 2012
Backcasting is an instrument to develop a path towards a realistic desirable future for a given theme (e.g. sustainable agriculture, sustainable food etc). It involves the following steps: problem definition, establishment of terms of reference for solutions (here, in relation to sustainability and to functionality), brief description of some future views, selection/construction of a final future view, establishment of backcasting steps (working backwards from the future view).

As part of the talk, the "selection of relevant future trends" will be discussed. This involves making an inventory of trends relevant to the theme and categorising them graphically with respect to probability and impact. Taking such steps allows the most probable scenarios to be taken into account when establishing future views.

Seminar presentation

Accés obert
4 de juny 2012
Presentació del Cinquè Seminari Internacional de Sostenibilitat

Presentació del Cinquè Seminari Internacional de Sostenibilitat

L'enginy de la química

Accés obert
26 d’abr. 2012

Espectroscopia de infrarrojo

Accés obert
1 de març 2012
Material docente en formato digital para asignaturas de experimentación en química y asignaturas que empleen técnicas espectroscópicas

Espectroscopía d'infraroig

Accés obert
1 de març 2012
Material docent en format digital per a assignatures d'experimentació en química i assignatures que utilitzan tècniques espectroscòpiques

Infrared spectroscopy

Accés obert
1 de març 2012
Theory material in digital format for subjects on practices of chemistry laboratories and for subjects on spectroscopy techniques

Un tresor químic amagat a la sorra

Accés obert
25 de nov. 2011