Objectes multimèdia amb l’etiqueta: Desenvolupament humà i sostenible
Resultats de la cerca
The interface of formal water laws with the customary/ancestral rights and practices of traditional communities
Accés obert
17 de febr. 2023
The hydraulic heritage of Morocco between disappearance and safeguarding
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17 de febr. 2023
Myths and legends: Healthy waters of the Guaitara river - Ipiales Nariño
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17 de febr. 2023
The traditional irrigation technique of Lake Garda lemon houses (Northern Italy)
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17 de febr. 2023
Values and Disvalues of the Careo Channels of Sierra Nevada, Granada (Spain)
Accés obert
17 de febr. 2023
Ancestral water management system in the circum-lacustrine ring of Titicaca Lake
Accés obert
17 de febr. 2023
Sustainable Development and Indigenous Knowledge: What is the Role of Ancestral Communal Ponds -Birket- in Lebanon?
Accés obert
17 de febr. 2023
Las Jollas. Hydrotechnologies as a basis for agroecological practices in the Valley of Mezquital Hidalgo, Mexico
Accés obert
17 de febr. 2023