Objectes multimèdia amb l’etiqueta: Recursos generals

Resultats de la cerca

El cine como pretexto para la arquitectura.

Accés obert
25 d’abr. 2012
Presentació del número 21-22 de la publicació DC PAPERS (Revista de crítica i teoria de l'arquitectura), editada pel Departament de Composició Arquitectònica de la UPC, que va tenir lloc el 24 d'abril de 2012. La presentació va ser a càrrec dels professors del DCA-UPC i redactors de DC PAPERS Ricardo Devesa i Carolina B. García. Tot seguit a la projecció de la pel·lícula Playtime de Jacques Tati, va tenir lloc una taula rodona moderada per Ricardo Devesa amb els participants Manuel García Roig (arquitecte i professor del DCA-UPM), Antonio Pizza (professor del DCA-UPC) i Jaume Valor (arquitecte). 

Concert Coral Arquitectura de tardor 2011

Accés obert
30 de nov. 2011
La Coral Arquitectura Orquestra de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya dirigida per Lluís Carné Miguélez, ofereix el Concert de Tardor 2011 a la Sala d'Actes de l'ETSAB amb la programació: Gioacchino Rossini, Jacques Offenbach, Giuseppe Verdi i quinze clàssics més amb orquestració de Xandri Montasell.

Recursos i indicadors per l'avaluació de la recerca

Accés obert
25 de jul. 2011
Píndola informativa que proporciona eines per facilitar l'avaluació de la recerca acadèmica.

El vídeo inclou l'explicació sobre: eines per avaluar la recerca acadèmica, quins són els indicadors bibliomètrics més destacats, quines fonts d'informació són rellevants per aquest tema, el servei del FIBRA (Facilitador d'Indicadors Bibliomètrics i Recursos per a l'Avaluació) i quins recursos hi ha disponibles a Bibliotècnica.

An integral approach to digital information delivery in The Netherlands

Accés obert
1 de jul. 2011
The Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB)’s mission is to connect people and information. One of its core responsibilities is to deliver digital scientific information to end-users, focusing on on-line access and services.

A significant number of documents, however, is only available to specific user groups (e.g. library members, students or researchers), or only remotely accessible by paying a fee.

This paper will discuss an approach to delivering information that focuses on creating on-line access to relevant scientific information to remote end-users. This integral vision is currently realized in two pilot projects, in cooperation with Dutch public libraries, research institutes and publishers.

Costs and benefits of a shared digital long-term preservation system

Accés obert
1 de jul. 2011
This paper is a report on the cost-benefit analysis of digital long-term preservation that was conducted as a part of the National Digital Library Project in 2010.

The analysis was based on the assumption that a large number, perhaps as many as 200, of archives, libraries, and museums will share a preservation system. The term ”system” shall be understood as encompassing not only information technology, but also people, organizational structures, policies and funding mechanisms.

The cost analysis shows that a preservation system will incur, over 12 first years, cumulative costs of 42 million euros. If a dark archive will be built, the costs will increase by 3.4 million euros. Human resources and investments on information technology are the major cost factors. After the initial stages, the analysis predicts annual costs of circa 4 million euros.

Does library use affect student attainment? A preliminary report on the library impact data project

Accés obert
1 de jul. 2011
The current economic climate is placing pressure on UK Universities to maximise use of their resources and ensure value for money. In parallel, there is a continuing focus on the student experience and a desire that all students should achieve their full potential whilst studying at University.

Heading for the open road: costs and benefits of transitions in scholarly communications

Accés obert
1 de jul. 2011
All the key players in scholarly communications – funders, universities, libraries, publishers, and researchers – have an interest in improving access to scholarly journals. But the different constituencies do not share a common view of how this might best be achieved. Much attention has focused on open access and the benefits it could bring if adopted globally. But little attention has been paid to the dynamics of transition towards substantial improvements in access.