Objectes multimèdia amb l’etiqueta: Actes, jornades i conferències
Resultats de la cerca
01. Ámbito 1. Relaciones entre cerámica, arquitectura y espacio urbano: azulejos como paradigma
Accés obert
1 de set. 2020
Ponencia de Carla Lobo para el IV Congreso ISUF-H
02. Ámbito 1. El frágil equilbrio de los paisajes costeros. El litoral del Agro Pontino
Accés obert
1 de set. 2020
Comunicación de Francesac Rossi (Dipartimento di Planificazione, Design, Tecnologia dell'Architettura, Sapienza Università di Roma), y Virginia Brasco (Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Naturali e Territoriali, Sapienza Università di Roma). Ponencia de una investigación en curso financiada por la Universidad Sapienza de Roma.
03. Ámbito 1. Declive y reinvención de los Espacios Centrales
Accés obert
1 de set. 2020
Comunicacón de Eva Leticia Ortiz para la Sesión "Elevator speach"
Software and Entrepreneurship – the case of Mitiga Solutions and Nearby Computing.
Accés obert
2 de jul. 2020
Interview with Alejandro Martí and David Carrera. From UPC to entrepreneur
Alejandro Martí – founder & CEO of Mitiga Solutions:
Mitiga Solutions was born as a result of a PhD project that Àlex wanted to have a real impact on society’s needs. Mitiga’s Open-Source Software solution is redefining the management of natural hazards and its impact in many industries.
David Carrera – co-founder & CSO of Nearby Computing
The technology behind Nearby Computing multi-complex data management solution is the result of several years of research led by David and his team. Nearby’s solution allows massive Edge Computing deployments operationally and economically viable
Alejandro Martí – founder & CEO of Mitiga Solutions:
Mitiga Solutions was born as a result of a PhD project that Àlex wanted to have a real impact on society’s needs. Mitiga’s Open-Source Software solution is redefining the management of natural hazards and its impact in many industries.
David Carrera – co-founder & CSO of Nearby Computing
The technology behind Nearby Computing multi-complex data management solution is the result of several years of research led by David and his team. Nearby’s solution allows massive Edge Computing deployments operationally and economically viable
Features and requirements for Software-based Patents
Accés obert
2 de jul. 2020
It is possible to patent Software?
We will talk about the main requirements that a Software based invention must fulfill in order to be patentable with some examples, and we will take a look at today’s patent panorama.
We will talk about the main requirements that a Software based invention must fulfill in order to be patentable with some examples, and we will take a look at today’s patent panorama.
Introduction to Software protection strategies
Accés obert
2 de jul. 2020
A quick view of the principal strategies (and particularities) when it comes to Software protection
Mesa redonda: Fernando, La Ricarda y Antonio Bonet Castellana
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3 de juny 2020
Taula rodona amb les intervencions de Marita Gomis, propietària; Victoria Bonet, filla d'Antoni Bonet; Heiko Trittler, arquitecte; Antoni Cumella, ceramista. Moderadora: Montse Julià, historiadora i professora MRM. Presenta la sessió Oriol Hostench, arquitecte, docent de MRM (Màster de Restauració de Monuments)
Actividad en Argentina: Cursos, visitas y colaboración en el Centro de Documentación de la Arquitectura Latinoamericana - CEDODAL
Accés obert
27 de maig 2020
Sessió en Homenatge al Professor Fernando Álvarez a càrrec de Ramón Gutiérrez, Director del CEDODAL, i Martín Capeluto, Arquitecte i professor a la Universitat de Buenos Aires.
Workshop Honoris Causa Alessio Figalli - Regularity of stable solutions to semilinear elliptic equations
Accés obert
27 de maig 2020
Workshop Honoris Causa Alessio Figalli - Regularity of stable interfaces: from nonlocal to local
Accés obert
27 de maig 2020
Workshop Honoris Causa Alessio Figalli - Round Table - Honoris Causa Alessio Figalli
Accés obert
26 de maig 2020