Sèrie: 3rd International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education (2006)
19 de febr. 2007
26 de juny 2007
Interview with Stamenka Uvaliç-Trumbiç
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26 de juny 2007
Stamenka Uvalić-Trumbić talks to GUNI about the main challenges that higher education will face in the next year
Stamenka Uvalić-Trumbić, Chief of the Section for Reform, Innovation and Quality Assurance, in the Higher Education Division at UNESCO’s Headquarters, in Paris, talked about how providing higher education for the growing demand of students coming from developing countries will be the most important challenge in the forthcoming years. Ms. Uvalić-Trumbić was the speaker during the discussion `The International Politics of Quality Assurance and Accreditation: From Legal Instruments to Communities of Practice´ at the “Third International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education: Accreditation for Quality Assurance: What is at Stake?”
Stamenka Uvalić-Trumbić, Chief of the Section for Reform, Innovation and Quality Assurance, in the Higher Education Division at UNESCO’s Headquarters, in Paris, talked about how providing higher education for the growing demand of students coming from developing countries will be the most important challenge in the forthcoming years. Ms. Uvalić-Trumbić was the speaker during the discussion `The International Politics of Quality Assurance and Accreditation: From Legal Instruments to Communities of Practice´ at the “Third International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education: Accreditation for Quality Assurance: What is at Stake?”
22 de gen. 2008
Interview with Wei Yang
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22 de gen. 2008
The president of the GUNI Asia-Pacific network talked about the evolution of the higher education system in China and the main challenges it faces
Wei Yang, President of GUNI Asia-Pacific and of the Zhejiang University reflected on the main challenges facing China’s higher education system and institutions in the twenty-first century and the way they are trying to develop a harmonic approach to development. He stressed the importance of quality assurance due to the rapid growth of the Chinese educational system. He also explained some of the projects and strategies that are being deployed in order to overcome these challenges.
Wei Yang, President of GUNI Asia-Pacific and of the Zhejiang University reflected on the main challenges facing China’s higher education system and institutions in the twenty-first century and the way they are trying to develop a harmonic approach to development. He stressed the importance of quality assurance due to the rapid growth of the Chinese educational system. He also explained some of the projects and strategies that are being deployed in order to overcome these challenges.
18 de gen. 2007
Interviwe with George Haddad
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18 de gen. 2007
The Director of UNESCO´s Higher Education Division, Georges Haddad, talked to GUNI about UNESCO’s view on the future of higher education, stating that UNESCO should be the catalyst for dialogue between all parties
The Director of UNESCO´s Higher Education Division, Georges Haddad, was at the Opening Session table of the 3rd International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education `Accreditation for Quality Assurance: What is at Stake?´ held in November 2006.
The Director of UNESCO´s Higher Education Division, Georges Haddad, was at the Opening Session table of the 3rd International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education `Accreditation for Quality Assurance: What is at Stake?´ held in November 2006.
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