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Set polígons contra nou quadrats: Projectes de geometria no ortogonal
Accés obert
14 de des. 2018
Conferència a càrrec d'Arturo Frediani on analitza projectes que desafien la ortogonalitat en favor de les formes poligonals. Presentat per Daniel García-Escudero, Sosdirector de l'ETSAB.
L + A Landscape Architecture
Accés obert
13 de des. 2018
Conferència a càrrec de Ron Henderson, Director Landscape Architecture and Urbanism Program de l'Illinois Institute of Technology pel Màster MBLAndarch lectures.
Consell de Govern de l'11 de desembre de 2018
11 de des. 2018
Vídeo de la sessió del Consell de Govern de la UPC de l'11 de desembre de 2018.
L’informe del rector, els acords i els documents informatius de la sessió ja estan publicats al Butlletí UPC (BUPC).
L’informe del rector, els acords i els documents informatius de la sessió ja estan publicats al Butlletí UPC (BUPC).
Acte de graduació ESEIAAT 2018 (resum)
Accés obert
10 de des. 2018
Pràctica de l'alumne Victor Pacheco per l'assignatura PAV
CCT-2018-12-08-Presentación del libro "Japón para Otakus. Guía de museos, parques temáticos y otros centros de la cultura manganime" (solo audio)
Accés obert
8 de des. 2018
Audio de la presentación del libro "Japón para Otakus. Guía de museos, parques temáticos y otros centros de la cultura manganime", publicado por Diábolo Ediciones. Con la presencia de los coautores, Manuel Hernández-Pérez, Carolina Plou y Oriol Estrada. Modera Jordi Ojeda.
A continuación la nota de prensa de la editorial:
Para todos aquellos que hemos crecido leyendo manga y viendo anime, Japón es mucho más que un país: es el destino definitivo de toda peregrinación otaku.
Esta guía ofrece una recopilación, clasificada por regiones, de los principales espacios, rutas y exposiciones para planificar tu periplo por Japón.
Aquí encontrarás toda la información necesaria sobre los principales centros del turismo manganime, de la mano de expertos divulgadores y académicos; pero, sobre todo, un libro de viajes escrito por y para apasionados de la cultura popular japonesa Que tengas buen viaje!
José Andrés Santiago Iglesias y Manuel Hernández (coordinadores del libro).
Colaboradores: Carolina Plou, Marc Bernabé, Oriol Estrada Rangil, Víctor Sellés, Antonio Loriguillo, Luca Bruno y Alberto Vilar
52 minutos en castellano. Sábado, 8 de diciembre de 2018 a las 18:30h en la sala Fòrum de FNAC L’Illa en Barcelona.
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A continuación la nota de prensa de la editorial:
Para todos aquellos que hemos crecido leyendo manga y viendo anime, Japón es mucho más que un país: es el destino definitivo de toda peregrinación otaku.
Esta guía ofrece una recopilación, clasificada por regiones, de los principales espacios, rutas y exposiciones para planificar tu periplo por Japón.
Aquí encontrarás toda la información necesaria sobre los principales centros del turismo manganime, de la mano de expertos divulgadores y académicos; pero, sobre todo, un libro de viajes escrito por y para apasionados de la cultura popular japonesa Que tengas buen viaje!
José Andrés Santiago Iglesias y Manuel Hernández (coordinadores del libro).
Colaboradores: Carolina Plou, Marc Bernabé, Oriol Estrada Rangil, Víctor Sellés, Antonio Loriguillo, Luca Bruno y Alberto Vilar
52 minutos en castellano. Sábado, 8 de diciembre de 2018 a las 18:30h en la sala Fòrum de FNAC L’Illa en Barcelona.
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Set polígons contra nou quadrats: projectes de geometria no ortogonal
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4 de des. 2018
Conferència de l' arquitecte Arturo Frediani Sarfati per Geometries Habitables, Bases pel Projecte I - II M . Presentació a càrrec de Daniel García-Escudero, Professor i coordinador de l'assignatura.
CCT-2018-12-01-Presentación del libro "Mujeres de Ghibli. La huella femenina de Miyazaki en el anime" (solo audio)
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1 de des. 2018
Audio de la presentación del libro "Mujeres de Ghibli. La huella femenina de Miyazaki en el anime", publicado por Diábolo Ediciones. Con la presencia de la autora, Anna Junyent. Modera Jordi Ojeda.
A continuación la nota de prensa de la editorial:
Aunque parezca extraño, no se ha hablado tanto como se debería sobre uno de los mejores estudios de animación de las últimas décadas. Studio Ghibli surgió para dar vida a míticos filmes que han ido dejando huella en los corazones de todos los espectadores.
Uno de los detalles más remarcables de sus películas, es la presencia de personajes femeninos con características que hasta el momento estaban reservadas a los hombres. Mujeres fuertes, empoderadas, estrategas, hábiles pero para nada perfectas. Miyazaki retrata fielmente y con realismo la humanidad que hay en cada uno de sus personajes. Y este libro, precisamente, pretende ilustrar y dar a conocer este hecho.
El libro cuenta con una introducción de Álvaro López (Mi vecino Miyazaki, El viaje de Chihiro).
47 minutos en castellano. Sábado, 1 de diciembre de 2018 a las 18:30h en la sala Fòrum de FNAC Triangle en Barcelona.
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A continuación la nota de prensa de la editorial:
Aunque parezca extraño, no se ha hablado tanto como se debería sobre uno de los mejores estudios de animación de las últimas décadas. Studio Ghibli surgió para dar vida a míticos filmes que han ido dejando huella en los corazones de todos los espectadores.
Uno de los detalles más remarcables de sus películas, es la presencia de personajes femeninos con características que hasta el momento estaban reservadas a los hombres. Mujeres fuertes, empoderadas, estrategas, hábiles pero para nada perfectas. Miyazaki retrata fielmente y con realismo la humanidad que hay en cada uno de sus personajes. Y este libro, precisamente, pretende ilustrar y dar a conocer este hecho.
El libro cuenta con una introducción de Álvaro López (Mi vecino Miyazaki, El viaje de Chihiro).
47 minutos en castellano. Sábado, 1 de diciembre de 2018 a las 18:30h en la sala Fòrum de FNAC Triangle en Barcelona.
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Pantarei Pantanella. Loft, márketing y otros malentendidos
Accés obert
29 de nov. 2018
Conferència d'Emilia Rosmini, Arquitecta i Candela Carroceda, Publicista i realitzadora audiovisual, pel Màster MBLandArch lectures. Presentació de Victor Adorno, Arquitecte paisatgista.
Network geometry
Accés obert
28 de nov. 2018
M. Ángeles Serrano obtained her Ph.D. in Physics at the Universitat de Barcelona (UB) in 1999 with a thesis about gravitational wave detection. In 2000, she also received her Masters in Mathematics for Finance at the CRM-Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. After four years in the private sector as IT consultant and mutual funds manager, Prof. Serrano returned to academia in 2004 to work in the field of Network Science. Subsequently, she was a researcher at Indiana University (USA), the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland), IFISC Institute (Spain), and held a Ramón y Cajal research associate appointment at UB until october 2015. The results of her investigations are summarized in major peer reviewed international scientific journals -including Nature, PNAS, PRL, ...-, book chapters, and conference proceedings. Prof. Serrano leads and participates in several research projects at the international and national levels. She is also actively involved in advising and research supervision. She serves in evaluation panels and program scientific committees, and acts as a reviewer in several international journals. In February 2009, she obtained the Outstanding Referee award of the American Physical Society. She is a Founder Member of Complexitat, the Catalan Network for the study of Complex Systems, and a Promoter Member of UBICS, the Universitat de Barcelona Institute of Complex Systems.
Networks are critical to understand human nature ---from genome to brain and society--- and our environment ---the Internet, food webs, international trade... ---, and are changing the way in which we model and predict complex systems in many different disciplines. Surprisingly, all complex networks talk a common language, regardless of their origin, and are imprinted with universal features. They are small-world, strongly clustered and hierarchical, modular, robust yet fragile, and may exhibit unexpected responses like cascades and other critical and extreme events.
Many of these fundamental properties are well explained by a family of hidden metric space network models that led to the discovery that the latent geometry of many real networks is hyperbolic. Hyperbolicity emerges as a result of the combination of popularity and similarity dimensions into an effective distance between nodes, such that more popular and similar nodes have more chance to interact. The geometric approach permits the production of truly cartographic maps of real networks that are not only visually appealing, but enable applications like efficient navigation and the detection of communities of similar nodes. Recently, it has also enabled the introduction of a geometric renormalization group that unravels the multiple length scales coexisting in complex networks, strongly intertwined due to their small world property.
Interestingly, real-world scale-free networks are self-similar when observed at the different resolutions unfolded by geometric renormalization, a property that might find its origin in an evolutionary drive. Practical applications of the geometric renormalization group for networks include high-fidelity downscaled network replicas, a multiscale navigation protocol in hyperbolic space that takes advantage of the increased navigation efficiency at higher scales, and many others.
Networks are critical to understand human nature ---from genome to brain and society--- and our environment ---the Internet, food webs, international trade... ---, and are changing the way in which we model and predict complex systems in many different disciplines. Surprisingly, all complex networks talk a common language, regardless of their origin, and are imprinted with universal features. They are small-world, strongly clustered and hierarchical, modular, robust yet fragile, and may exhibit unexpected responses like cascades and other critical and extreme events.
Many of these fundamental properties are well explained by a family of hidden metric space network models that led to the discovery that the latent geometry of many real networks is hyperbolic. Hyperbolicity emerges as a result of the combination of popularity and similarity dimensions into an effective distance between nodes, such that more popular and similar nodes have more chance to interact. The geometric approach permits the production of truly cartographic maps of real networks that are not only visually appealing, but enable applications like efficient navigation and the detection of communities of similar nodes. Recently, it has also enabled the introduction of a geometric renormalization group that unravels the multiple length scales coexisting in complex networks, strongly intertwined due to their small world property.
Interestingly, real-world scale-free networks are self-similar when observed at the different resolutions unfolded by geometric renormalization, a property that might find its origin in an evolutionary drive. Practical applications of the geometric renormalization group for networks include high-fidelity downscaled network replicas, a multiscale navigation protocol in hyperbolic space that takes advantage of the increased navigation efficiency at higher scales, and many others.
Acte de graduació ESEIAAT 2018 - Parlament Therese Jamaa
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28 de nov. 2018
Parlament de Therese Jamaa, padrina de la promoció, dins l'acte de graduació de l'ESEIAAT del curs 2017-2018.
Esferas públicas
Accés obert
27 de nov. 2018
Vasa Perovic and Matija Bevk are key to an understanding of the process of the hybridisation of Western models and ties to local culture. Dealing mainly with non-profit or low-cost apartment blocks, Bevk Perovic arhitekti did not harden into obvious formal citations of the local architectural language or traditional housing types, as in the redefinition of these types in response to legislative variables and local planning regulations.
Bevk is graduate of the faculty of architecture of the University of Ljubljana. Like Perovic , he has travelled widely in Europe, especially in Holland. _I developed my architectural personality while studying at the Berlage_ , explains Perovic. _At the time, architectural compositions was taught based on a leftist political agenda. Other characteristics are the use of basic low-cost materials that permit part of the budget to be devoted to the creation of exterior public spaces, considered an integral part of the project. References to Dutch architecture can thus be found in this rational and social approach to design.
We are one of the very few architectural firms in Slovenia that specifically designs social housing without treating it as a speculative and financial operation. We consider our quest for low-cost solutions that afford a high quality of life as an interesting architectural and political opportunity.
Bevk is graduate of the faculty of architecture of the University of Ljubljana. Like Perovic , he has travelled widely in Europe, especially in Holland. _I developed my architectural personality while studying at the Berlage_ , explains Perovic. _At the time, architectural compositions was taught based on a leftist political agenda. Other characteristics are the use of basic low-cost materials that permit part of the budget to be devoted to the creation of exterior public spaces, considered an integral part of the project. References to Dutch architecture can thus be found in this rational and social approach to design.
We are one of the very few architectural firms in Slovenia that specifically designs social housing without treating it as a speculative and financial operation. We consider our quest for low-cost solutions that afford a high quality of life as an interesting architectural and political opportunity.