Alignment (III) - IBM Model 2 and HMM
Accés obert
17 d’oct. 2014
3 visualitzacions
Lluís Formiga Fanals

Setmana 2, punt 3 del MOOC "Approaches to machine translation: rule-based, statistical and hybrid".

Llicència: Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 3.0 España (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 ES)

Vídeos de la mateixa sèrie

Introduction: MT Approaches

Accés obert
1 d’oct. 2014
Setmana 1, punt 2 del MOOC "Approaches to machine translation: rule-based, statistical and hybrid".

Alignment (II) - IBM Model 1 and EM

Accés obert
17 d’oct. 2014
Setmana 2, punt 2 del MOOC "Approaches to machine translation: rule-based, statistical and hybrid".

Alignment (III) - IBM Model 2 and HMM

Accés obert
17 d’oct. 2014
Setmana 2, punt 3 del MOOC "Approaches to machine translation: rule-based, statistical and hybrid".

Alignment (IV) - IBM Higher Models

Accés obert
17 d’oct. 2014
Setmana 2, punt 4 del MOOC "Approaches to machine translation: rule-based, statistical and hybrid".


Accés obert
24 de jul. 2014
Setmana 5, conclusions del MOOC "Approaches to machine translation: rule-based, statistical and hybrid".