A Tale of Two Lakes
Accés obert
1 de juny 2024
Fundacja Instytut Architektury, Kraków Fundacja Instytut Architektury, Kraków
Andrei Mihail, Alexandru Binescu
Fundacja Instytut Architektury, Kraków Fundacja Instytut Architektury, Kraków
Adolf Sotoca
Fundacja Instytut Architektury, Kraków Fundacja Instytut Architektury, Kraków
With the process of reorganising large areas of Bucharest in the 1980s, the Dâmbovița River was systematised. Two artificial dam lakes were planned at opposite ends of the city: Lake Morii and Delta Văcărești to prevent flooding. But they became much more. This video shows part of their story.
Llicència: Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 3.0 España (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 ES)
Vídeos de la mateixa sèrie
A Tale of Two Lakes
Accés obert
1 de juny 2024
With the process of reorganising large areas of Bucharest in the 1980s, the Dâmbovița River was systematised. Two artificial dam lakes were planned at opposite ends of the city: Lake Morii and Delta Văcărești to prevent flooding. But they became much more. This video shows part of their story.
The Library as an Engine for Social Relations
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5 de juny 2024
The Nichita Stănescu Public Library, located in Bucharest's Crângaşi district, is one of the last remaining parts of the city's public equipment network. The public libraries in Bucharest are important resources for local communities. This video shows how they can become focal points for the neighbourhood hosting different activities and providing resources and spaces for the neighbours.
Gardening as a Resistance
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15 de juny 2024
Green areas near residential buildings are important resources for some residents of the Crângaşi district. They serve both aesthetic and therapeutic functions for those who design them, creating a collective mosaic.
The WECARE Project
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13 de febr. 2025
WECARE is a European Project that brings together people from Barcelona, Bucharest, and Cracow to understand the importance of environmental commons. It uses an action-research methodology that brings together neighbours, students, and researchers to discuss the issue.
Struggle for clean Air
Accés obert
13 de febr. 2025
"“In our neighbourhood, there is everything that Barcelona rejects”, explains Ramon Tur, who is part of the Coordinator of Neighborhood Entities and representative of Barri Net and Airenet. Barcelona has displaced to El Besòs i el Maresme the services, infrastructure and equipment that do not fit in the city centre. The most notable cases are the combined cycle power plant; the contamination due to the presence of asbestos left by the demolition of the old industrial fabric; and the Forum complex, where mass tourism leisure events and macro-festivals generate annoyance for the residents living around the area; plus the air pollution due to the presence of the Ronda Litoral."
Re-naturalize the tree pits to unite the community
Accés obert
25 d’abr. 2024
"The neighbourhood of el Besòs i el Maresme lacks well-maintained green spaces that could become biodiversity shelters and improve the climatic conditions. The drought suffered in the area in recent years has caused water distribution problems in both the private and public sectors, resulting in the lack of watering of trees from the streets. Some residents have started to revert this situation by “sponsoring” the tree pits they have close to home. This way, they have been taking care of them, watering and planting some smaller bushes, and building shelters for insects and little animals."
Networks of support
Accés obert
24 d’abr. 2024
"El Besòs i el Maresme is one of the most culturally diverse and socially challenged communities in Barcelona. In this context, there are different networks of people who work together to provide mutual support. From learning to read and write Spanish and Catalan to having a plate to eat every day, the neighbours organize to fulfil all the necessities of the community."
Architectural Barriers and Drought
Accés obert
17 de febr. 2025
"Looking at the age pyramid of the Zlotego Wieku housing state, it becomes clear that a significant part of the residents are old people. The peaceful and quiet neighbourhood of Mistrzejowice is surrounded by greenery. Becoming a welcoming place to retire. This greenery was a key point during the design of the place. All the people living here are aware of the wealth of these surroundings that are now threatened by the increase in car use and the need for parking places. They are coming together to defend it and ensure it remains as it is now. "
Neighbourhood Resources: Greenery and Community
Accés obert
22 de maig 2024
"The Zlotego Wieku housing state organizes its greenery in a large-scale park. Nevertheless, apart from all the trees and bushes close to the dwellings, there are also some extended green areas. One of these is the territory near the Stronghold 48: Batowice, a military construction from the end of the 19th century. Until today, the Metropolitan area of Krakow is surrounded by these military constructions, creating a green belt for the city. Nowadays, the fortification of Batowice is empty, with no use."
Active local community
Accés obert
23 de maig 2024
"The strength of the Mistrzejowice district is its well-rooted community. Residents of this estate feel bonded to it and are involved in the matters that affect them. Some social infrastructures such as the Kuznia Club are key to hosting the residents and reinforcing their organization."