Objectes multimèdia amb l’etiqueta: Ensenyament i aprenentatge
Resultats de la cerca
La qualitat docent: una visió des de l'exterior
Accés obert
6 de març 2008
1. Presentació del Fòrum de Docència Virtual, a càrrec del professor José Antonio Román Jiménez
2. Xerrada a càrrec del Dr. Carlos Caamaño i posterior col·loqui
La nostra Universitat ha iniciat un procés de modificació de l'actual sistema d'avaluació del professorat. És doncs, especialment oportú poder compar amb el professor Carlos Caamaño, que pot aproximar-nos a l'estat actual del tema al Japó i a Xile.
2. Xerrada a càrrec del Dr. Carlos Caamaño i posterior col·loqui
La nostra Universitat ha iniciat un procés de modificació de l'actual sistema d'avaluació del professorat. És doncs, especialment oportú poder compar amb el professor Carlos Caamaño, que pot aproximar-nos a l'estat actual del tema al Japó i a Xile.
Fòrum debat: Arquitectura i tècnica. 20 anys del Departament de CAI (1a part)
Accés obert
29 de febr. 2008
Forum debat: arquitectura i tècnica es celebra el divendres 29 de febrer de 2008 commemorant els 20 anys del Departament de Construccions arquitectòniques (CAI)a la Sala d’actes de l’edifici Vèrtex del campus Nord.
Primera part del "Foro Debat: arquitectura i tècnica" amb una presentació del director del Departament de CAI Joan Lluís Zamora Mestre i Josep Lluís González-Barroso i diverses intervencions de convidats.
Primera part del "Foro Debat: arquitectura i tècnica" amb una presentació del director del Departament de CAI Joan Lluís Zamora Mestre i Josep Lluís González-Barroso i diverses intervencions de convidats.
Fòrum debat: Arquitectura i tècnica. 20 anys del Departament de CAI (2na part)
Accés obert
29 de febr. 2008
Segona part del "Forum Debat: arquitectura i tècnica" amb una taula rodona de convidats, celebrada divendres dia 29 de febrer de 2008 commemorant els 20 anys del Departament de Construccions arquitectòniques (CAI) a la Sala d’actes de l’edifici Vèrtex del campus Nord.
Interview with Elaine El-Khawas
Accés obert
22 de gen. 2008
“Trust, legitimacy and understanding are the key elements for any higher education accreditation system”
Elaine El-Khawas talked to GUNI about the differences between the accreditation and quality assurance systems in the US, Canada and the rest of the world. She also talked about the future changes in the US quality assurance system.
Elaine El-Khawas talked to GUNI about the differences between the accreditation and quality assurance systems in the US, Canada and the rest of the world. She also talked about the future changes in the US quality assurance system.
Interview with Wei Yang
Accés obert
22 de gen. 2008
The president of the GUNI Asia-Pacific network talked about the evolution of the higher education system in China and the main challenges it faces
Wei Yang, President of GUNI Asia-Pacific and of the Zhejiang University reflected on the main challenges facing China’s higher education system and institutions in the twenty-first century and the way they are trying to develop a harmonic approach to development. He stressed the importance of quality assurance due to the rapid growth of the Chinese educational system. He also explained some of the projects and strategies that are being deployed in order to overcome these challenges.
Wei Yang, President of GUNI Asia-Pacific and of the Zhejiang University reflected on the main challenges facing China’s higher education system and institutions in the twenty-first century and the way they are trying to develop a harmonic approach to development. He stressed the importance of quality assurance due to the rapid growth of the Chinese educational system. He also explained some of the projects and strategies that are being deployed in order to overcome these challenges.
Interview with Edgar Morin
Accés obert
12 de des. 2007
“If we only pursue a type of knowledge based on what can be calculated, we will be turning a blind eye to human reality.”
Edgar Morin spoke to GUNI about key questions in the areas of higher education, universities and today’s society in general. Professor Morin, a man of exceptional farsightedness, warns of the great blindness of our times and underlines the role and responsibility of universities in establishing authentic dialogue and understanding among cultures and civilisations. He is researcher emeritus at the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) in France and is recognised internationally for his work on complexity theory. He has also written numerous books.
Edgar Morin spoke to GUNI about key questions in the areas of higher education, universities and today’s society in general. Professor Morin, a man of exceptional farsightedness, warns of the great blindness of our times and underlines the role and responsibility of universities in establishing authentic dialogue and understanding among cultures and civilisations. He is researcher emeritus at the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) in France and is recognised internationally for his work on complexity theory. He has also written numerous books.
Aprendre a ensenyar matemàtiques : La Paràbola
Accés obert
11 de des. 2007
Vídeo que serveix com a material docent del Màster Oficial - Formació de Professorat d'Educació Secundària Obligatòria i Batxillerat, Formació Professional i Ensenyament d'Idiomes (Especialitat de Matemàtiques)
Es presenta un exemple d’aprenentatge cooperatiu on uns estudiants d’enginyeria industrial exposen un treball en PBL. En aquest cas es treballa la paràbola i llur relació amb la realitat, contextualitzant la presència de la paràbola en casos reals.
Es presenta un exemple d’aprenentatge cooperatiu on uns estudiants d’enginyeria industrial exposen un treball en PBL. En aquest cas es treballa la paràbola i llur relació amb la realitat, contextualitzant la presència de la paràbola en casos reals.
Presentació d'X3C amb el suport de la UNESCO i basada en l'ús de "One Laptop Per Child"
Accés obert
16 de nov. 2007
Interview with Francisco Michavila
Accés obert
14 de nov. 2007
“We must position the university in the centre of the social scenery and make it an engine of economic growth, quality of life and social cohesion and progress”
Francisco Michavila, director of the UNESCO Chair of University Management and Policy at the Technical University of Madrid spoke to us of the main challenges that must be faced by the Spanish higher education system within the European Higher Education Area. He also spoke about the role the university should play in society from the perspective of social responsibility. Francisco Michavila took part in the round table entitled “Accreditation in the EHEA” during the Third International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education: “Accreditation for the Quality Assurance: What is at Stake?”
Francisco Michavila, director of the UNESCO Chair of University Management and Policy at the Technical University of Madrid spoke to us of the main challenges that must be faced by the Spanish higher education system within the European Higher Education Area. He also spoke about the role the university should play in society from the perspective of social responsibility. Francisco Michavila took part in the round table entitled “Accreditation in the EHEA” during the Third International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education: “Accreditation for the Quality Assurance: What is at Stake?”
Interview with Carlos Tunnerman
Accés obert
18 d’oct. 2007
Carlos Tünnermann spoke to GUNI about quality and relevance of higher education at Central America
Carlos Tünnermann, ex-Minister for Education in Nicaragua and current president of the Central American Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CCA), spoke to us of the current situation and of the challenges to be faced in the assessment and accreditation of quality in Central America. For Tünnermann, it is fundamental for the development of the region that the quality of higher education in Central America continues improving. He stressed the need to develop a regional vision which will have an impact on improving research and the university network in Central American countries. Carlos Tünnermann gave the inaugural speech “University, pertinence, quality and accreditation in a globalised world” at the III International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education: “Accreditation for Quality Assurance: What is at Stake?”
Carlos Tünnermann, ex-Minister for Education in Nicaragua and current president of the Central American Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CCA), spoke to us of the current situation and of the challenges to be faced in the assessment and accreditation of quality in Central America. For Tünnermann, it is fundamental for the development of the region that the quality of higher education in Central America continues improving. He stressed the need to develop a regional vision which will have an impact on improving research and the university network in Central American countries. Carlos Tünnermann gave the inaugural speech “University, pertinence, quality and accreditation in a globalised world” at the III International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education: “Accreditation for Quality Assurance: What is at Stake?”