Barcelona By Design. Discovering the value of the urban space
Accés obert
1 de gen. 2015
5 visualitzacions
Estanislao Roca Blanch
Anna Alexandra Ramos Sanz
Inés Aquilué Junyent
Melisa Pesoa
Renata Priore Lima

January 12-16, we had an intensive workshop at Escola Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain. Working with sixty students from University of Parma (Italy), International Master Program in Architecture, and ten students from ETSAB, we were investigating the city centre of Barcelona and the suburban area of the Eixample, along the waterfront to the Forum of Cultures till the river Besos in Sant Adria.

Presenten la sessió: Estanislau Roca (DUOT-ETSAB) i Anna Ramos (Sotsdirecció de Relacions Internacionals ETSAB).

DIRECTION: Estanislau Roca, Miguel Martí, Luisa Bravo, Marco Maretto. COORDINATION: Nicolò Boggio. ASSISTANT PROFESSORS: Inés Arquilué, Melissa Pesoa, Renata Priore.

Llicència: Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 3.0 España (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 ES)

Vídeos de la mateixa sèrie

Barcelona By Design. Discovering the value of the urban space

Accés obert
1 de gen. 2015
January 12-16, we had an intensive workshop at Escola Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain. Working with sixty students from University of Parma (Italy), International Master Program in Architecture, and ten students from ETSAB, we were investigating the city centre of Barcelona and the suburban area of the Eixample, along the waterfront to the Forum of Cultures till the river Besos in Sant Adria.

Presenten la sessió: Estanislau Roca (DUOT-ETSAB) i Anna Ramos (Sotsdirecció de Relacions Internacionals ETSAB).

DIRECTION: Estanislau Roca, Miguel Martí, Luisa Bravo, Marco Maretto. COORDINATION: Nicolò Boggio. ASSISTANT PROFESSORS: Inés Arquilué, Melissa Pesoa, Renata Priore.