Master's degree in Chemical Engineering
Accés obert
23 d’abr. 2023
10 visualitzacions

Chemical engineering is directly concerned with obtaining various products (fuels, solvents, medicines, paints, plastics, detergents, etc.) and services (water and energy supply, waste management and valorisation, etc.) that ensure our quality of life and without which modern life as we know it would be impossible. In addition, society demands that the most innovative technologies be used in these processes to ensure that they are efficient, sustainable, economically viable, safe and environmentally friendly.

The global demand for these products and services and, as a result, for experts in this sector grows year on year. The master’s degree in Chemical Engineering: Smart Chemical Factories aims to produce engineers with the high-level competencies that will allow them to deal with current challenges in chemical engineering (sustainability, circular economy, climate change, etc.) and to take advantage of the opportunities that Industry 4.0 technology can afford.

The master’s degree provides advanced training for chemical engineers who will easily adapt to positions of responsibility in companies, research centres, universities and public administrations.

Llicència: Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 3.0 España (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 ES)

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Master's degree in Chemical Engineering

Accés obert
23 d’abr. 2023
Chemical engineering is directly concerned with obtaining various products (fuels, solvents, medicines, paints, plastics, detergents, etc.) and services (water and energy supply, waste management and valorisation, etc.) that ensure our quality of life and without which modern life as we know it would be impossible. In addition, society demands that the most innovative technologies be used in these processes to ensure that they are efficient, sustainable, economically viable, safe and environmentally friendly.

The global demand for these products and services and, as a result, for experts in this sector grows year on year. The master’s degree in Chemical Engineering: Smart Chemical Factories aims to produce engineers with the high-level competencies that will allow them to deal with current challenges in chemical engineering (sustainability, circular economy, climate change, etc.) and to take advantage of the opportunities that Industry 4.0 technology can afford.

The master’s degree provides advanced training for chemical engineers who will easily adapt to positions of responsibility in companies, research centres, universities and public administrations.