Objectes multimèdia amb l’etiqueta: Ensenyament i aprenentatge
Resultats de la cerca
Interview with Denise Leite
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1 de jul. 2009
In this interview, Professor Denise Leite from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) reflects on the concept of innovation and good practices in higher education.
Interview with Mary-Louise Kearney
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1 de jul. 2009
In this interview, Mary-Louise Kearney, Consultant to the OECD/IMHE Programme and until recently Director of the Secretariat of the UNESCO Forum on Higher Education, Research and Knowledge, shares her views on the significance of research for the development of a country. She also highlights the importance of involving a wide range of stakeholders within the research system of a country.
Interview with Young Gil Kim
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1 de jul. 2009
In this interview, Young-Gil Kim, President of Handong Global University, which is
hosting the UNITWIN Network on Capacity Building of Sustainable Development in
Developing Countries in the Asian Region, details the objectives and activities of the
Network and reflects upon the contribution of higher education towards sustainable
hosting the UNITWIN Network on Capacity Building of Sustainable Development in
Developing Countries in the Asian Region, details the objectives and activities of the
Network and reflects upon the contribution of higher education towards sustainable
Interview with David Brown
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19 de juny 2009
The Harvard University Professor, L. David Brown, talked with GUNI about how higher education in the United States faces the challenges for human and social development. Mr. Brown considers that universities and students, all together, have to be engaged with the global arena. He also talked about ‘practice-research engagement’, its benefits for the society, and about why universities have to be involved in this issue.
Interview with Deane Neubauer
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25 de maig 2009
Deane Neubauer, senior advisor to the East-West Center, Hawaii, talked with GUNI about the role of universities in the framework of the new concept of global citizenship. Mr. Neubauer considers that universities must continue to enforce their teaching and research tasks, while reinforcing their relation with other universities and with policy and decision makers internationally.
Una experiència de recerca al Canadà
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8 de maig 2009
En la conferència, el Dr. Josep M. Font exposarà la seva experiència com a
investigador postdoctoral a la Universitat McGill (Montreal), la qual és
considerada actualment una de les millors universitats del Canadà, i explicarà el
funcionament de la recerca en aquest país. També posarà èmfasi en el sistema
universitari canadenc i el compararà amb el model de l’Estat espanyol. Finalment,
l’investigador exposarà alguns dels resultats del seu treball postdoctoral,
relatius als principis físics de la marxa humana i a la seva modelització dinàmica.
investigador postdoctoral a la Universitat McGill (Montreal), la qual és
considerada actualment una de les millors universitats del Canadà, i explicarà el
funcionament de la recerca en aquest país. També posarà èmfasi en el sistema
universitari canadenc i el compararà amb el model de l’Estat espanyol. Finalment,
l’investigador exposarà alguns dels resultats del seu treball postdoctoral,
relatius als principis físics de la marxa humana i a la seva modelització dinàmica.
Interview with Rajesh Tandon
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20 d’abr. 2009
The President of the Society for Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA), Rajesh Tandon, talked with GUNI about the social role of universities, and about why a partnership is needed between universities and civil society actors. Dr. Tandon considers that universities must change their teaching, research and service functions and that it is important to reinforce the institutionalization of partnerships between universities and the civil society.
Interview with Leo Jansen
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23 de març 2009
Leo Jansen, Professor Emeritus of the Technological University of Delft, talked with GUNI about the importance to integrate the concept of sustainability transversally into higher education institutions. To successfully implement sustainability issues, one needs a transdisciplinary approach, which is currently not being fostered by higher education institutions.
Interview with Andrew Mott
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23 de febr. 2009
The Executive Director of the Community Learning Partnership and Senior Fellow at the Wagner School of Public Service at New York University, Andrew Mott, talked with GUNI about the implication of universities creating educational programs to prepare people for careers in community development and social change. Mott highlights the importance of innovative programmes that include a multi-disciplinary point of view, offer experiential as well as classroom learning and give priority to communities and their issues in the research system.