Objectes multimèdia amb l’etiqueta: Ensenyament i aprenentatge

Resultats de la cerca

¿Dónde está la mayúscula?

Accés obert
26 de gen. 2009
Plans d'estudi i empresa.

Interview with Dr Colin Brock

Accés obert
27 de des. 2008
Professor Colin Brock, UNESCO Chair holder, talked with GUNI about the responses of Higher Education to new challenges, such as multicultural student bodies and excluded population. He also reflects upon the boom of universities rankings and their impact on higher education institutions.

Interview with Charas Suwanwela

Accés obert
25 de nov. 2008
The Professor Emeritus at the Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), Charas Suwanwela, talked with GUNI about how universities in developing countries have to assume their role in making research, which is relevant in a local and global context to cover their needs. Prof. Suwanwela considers that research in developing countries can be competitive, as it is happening in India or China. He also talked about universities and social justice, democracy and human rights.

Cerimònia d'inauguració del curs 2008-2009

Accés obert
20 d’oct. 2008
S'inclouen els següents actes:

-Benvinguda i Salutació del Sr. Pere Pascual Gainza, director del Centre de
Formació Interdisciplinària Superior.

- Lliurament de les acreditacions als nous estudiants del Centre de Formació
Interdisciplinària Superior.

- Lliurament dels diplomes als estudiants que han obtingut el títol propi
d'Enginyeria Interdisciplinària Superior de la UPC.

- Conferència a càrrec del Sr. Nicholas Jenkins, Professor of Renewable Energy at
Cardiff University, titulada “Green Electricity Networks”

- Cloenda de l'acte a càrrec de l'Excm. Sr. Miquel Barceló Garcia,Comissionat pel
Desenvolupament Sostenible de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.

Interview with Aziza Bennani

Accés obert
20 d’oct. 2008
The Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of Morocco at UNESCO, Aziza Bennani, talked with GUNI about the importance to promote common values between the different societies. The former Secretary of State for Culture of Morocco considers that higher education must reconsider some of its aspects to promote that its students are capable of dialoguing in culturally different environments.

Interview with Konrad Osterwalder

Accés obert
1 de set. 2008
The Rector of the United Nations University (UNU), Professor Konrad Osterwalder, talked with GUNI about the new approaches of UNU to strengthen developed and developing countries’ higher education and research and how to address issues such as globalisation and mass higher education.

Interview with Budd Hall

Accés obert
1 de jul. 2008
The Director of the Office of Community-Based Research and Senior Fellow in the Centre for Global Studies (University of Victoria, Canada), Budd Hall, talked with GUNI about the new challenges for higher education in North America, such as equity, distribution of resources, globalization or sustainability. Prof. Hall also considers very important to engage universities with their local community, but without forgetting a global point of view. In this sense, universities have to provide students theoretical and practical knowledge but also skills for them to be active citizens in the interconnected global society.

Interview with Deepak Nayyar

Accés obert
1 de jul. 2008
Professor of Economics at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, Deepak Nayyar, talked with GUNI about the dangers and the opportunities created by markets and globalization in terms of their effects on values in higher education and also on the higher education system. He explained the demand for higher education in China and India, about how these countries have to act regarding the internationalisation of education and the global economy.